Wednesday 29 October 2014

Google Pirate Update 2 : A Fight To Piracy

By  |  07:31 No comments

After being criticized for a long time for not doing anything against piracy, finally Google has launched Pirate update. Earlier in August 2012 Google has launched the first ever version of its pirate update to punish those sites that violate the copyright laws or get filed via Google’s DMCA system. After a long time of two years Google has finally released the second version of its Pirate Update algorithm and named it as Pirate Update 2. It is one of the most awaited update of made by the company. 

What is Pirate Update ?

Pirate Update is a well known Google Algorithm designed to fight with piracy. It works like a filter which catches the sites that violate the copyright laws and thus grant a huge downfall to their ranking. It is pretty much similar to Panda or penguin, that mean if any site got caught by this filter then it would get stuck to it until the next update. But it is hard to say that, if those sites will get their ranking back after the update or not because Google has never rerun any Pirate Update in past. 

It may also be possible that any site get caught by last filter will not get any new filter. In simple words, it can’t be said right now that sites got penalized by last update will get any consideration this time or not.

Effects made by Pirate Update

Last time when Google has run its piracy filter algorithm then many of the sites got huge downfall into their ranking. They have got a huge ranking fallback, thus many webmasters were waiting for this rerun. They must be expecting something good from this cruel punish master.

Some deep analysis result prepared by on the effect of Pirate Update.

The list shows those sites which receives a ranking downfall after the Pirate Update rolled out. This clears very much about the effect of this new Update.


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